Gold-backed cryptocurrency Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a crypto stablecoin where each token is backed with physical gold. With the token price pegged to the current gold price, there is less price volatility compared to Bitcoin or other altcoins. The largest stablecoin (by market capitalization) is Tether (USDT), where 1 Tether token is in theory backed by […]
How to earn interest on gold
Gold is the world’s oldest and most established store of value. It’s the original stable currency, long before stable coins became a thing. For many investors though, the disadvantage of gold is that you can’t earn interest on it and that it’s hard to loan out. The only official institution that offers interest on gold is […]
Puregold – gold-backed cryptocurrency
[Edit: has closed. This article remains as an archive.] Puregold is a payment gateway using gold-backed cryptocurrency. Puregold is by Puregold from Singapore, which has its own in-house factory producing gold coins and bars. You can buy gold coins and bars online and have it shipped. PureGold.Sg was established in 2010 and has made […]

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